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Abstraction in Russia XX century В 2-х том.

2 тома

 ''Abstraction in Russia XX century В 2-х том.''
  • 0 стр.
  • твёрдый переплет
  • иллюстрации
  • суперобложка

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  • Разделы: Искусство, Альбомы, Живопись

    Издательство Palace Editions, 2002 г.
    This is the first publication to bring together all the forms of abstract art in which Russian artists worked in the twentieth century. The book opens with the works of classical avant-garde now in the Russian Museum, home to the world's most representative collection of Russian avant-garde art. The second half of the twentieth century is also represented by works contributed by the Tretyakov Gallery, private collectors and modern Russian abstractionists. The books also include articles by leading experts on abstract art, a catalogue with accompanying commentaries and concise biographies of artists.

    The Russian Museum is now planning supplementary publications on emigre abstract artists and works by Russian abstractionists in provincial museums.

    The two-volume album was accompanied by a CD of late-twentieth-century avant-garde music from St Petersburg - Pieces of Music for White Dots - specially compiled by the 8th Moon Art association for the Russian Museum. The disc contains anonymous compositions by the leading representatives of the avant-garde music movement in St Petersburg in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, embracing virtually every aspect of this phenomenon, including classical avant-garde, free jazz, art of noise, ambient and industrial futurism.

    код товара: KH120500
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